Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are free online courses available for anyone to enroll. I have completed or enrolled in following MOOCS:


Private & Secure AI and Data Science

  1. Our Privacy Opportunity by - Completed with certificate awaiting - Mar. 2021
    Explore structured transparency, privacy techniques, and the privacy-transparency trade-off.

  2. Foundations of Private Computation by - In Progress - Progress 80%
    Implement federated learning, secure multi-party computation, homomorphic encryption, and differential privacy.

  3. Introduction to Remote Data Science by - Completed with certificate awaiting - Feb. 2022
    Use remote execution tools, deploy Domain Nodes, and apply privacy-preserving techniques for distributed data science.

Blockchain, Smart Contracts and Web3

Blockchain Specialization - Coursera

Blockchain Specialization - University at Buffalo - Coursera - Completed with certificate - Feb. 2020 - verify certificate PDF Badge

IBM Blockchain Foundation for Developers - Course - Coursera

Web3 and Blockchain Fundamentals - Course - Coursera

Solidity, Blockchain, and Smart Contract Course – Beginner to Expert Python Tutorial

Artificial Intilligence

Deep Learning Specialization - Coursera

Deep Learning Specialization - Coursera by

AI For Everyone - Course - Coursera

Fundamentals of Reinforcement Learning - Course - Coursera

Data Science

IBM Data Science Professional Certificate - Coursera

IBM Data Science Professional Certificate - Coursera - Audit Completed with Labs - Aug. 2024

IBM Data Analyst Professional Certificate - Coursera

IBM Data Analyst Professional Certificate - Coursera

The Data Scientist’s Toolbox - Course - Coursera
